Managing Drifting Snow
Snowdrift Control
In the pages on research methods we talk about how much we learned out along
Interstate 80 west of Laramie--how to match blowing snow transport with snow
fence capacity, and just how far downwind of tall snow fences those snowdrifts
would grow. Snowdrift control by trial-and-error can be replaced with a
systematic procedure to get it right the first time. Solving each blowing snow
problem follows a series of steps (Tabler 1994).
- Identify the problem. (Drift in driveway, corrals full of snow, house buried?)
- Analyze the problem. (What's the cause? Trees too close to the drive?)
- Identify the possible solutions. (Cut the trees? Move south? O.K., build a snow fence.)
- Assemble the data. (Wind direction, snowdrift volume, snowfall records).
- Estimate annual snow transport and direction.
- Determine the snow storage capacity needed to match snow transport.
We've divided the next few pages into snowdrift control around buildings, and
on roads.
To Rocky Mountain Research Station